Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read a word.

  • 1 Look for a pattern of letters.

    These two vowels make one sound: long u.

    These two vowels make one sound: long u.

    These three letters make one sound: long i.

  • 2 Start at the beginning. Blend the sounds in your head. Then say the word.

    illustrations of consonant and vowel blends for the words blue and high

Reading Practice

Look for a pattern to read these words.

  • 1. lights

  • 2. suit

  • 3. blue

  • 4. tie

  • 5. Sue

  • 6. high

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 7. Sue fixes street lights between 6 and 9 at night.

  • 8. One night, she did not tie her safety belt.

  • 9. The belt opened. Sue almost fell from a high pole!

  • 10. Her blue suit got stuck on the pole. That saved her life.

  • 11. “I might die if I don’t tie my belt right,” Sue said.

Spelling Practice

12.–16. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

17. Write each of these words on a card.


Say each word. Sort the words by vowel sound. Make 2 groups.

18. Then put the words with the same vowel sound and spelling together. Make 4 groups. What do you notice?

  • 18.

    You can spell long i more than one way.

    You can spell long i more than one way.