Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read a word.

  • 1 In a long word, look for a syllable you know.

    illustration of the words garden and after
  • 2 Divide the word. Keep the syllable together.

    gar denaf ter
  • 3 Blend the two syllables together to read the word.

    gar + den = gardenaf + ter = after

Reading Practice

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 1. Garter snakes are small members of the reptile family.

  • 2. In summer, garters can be found in forests, farms, and open lands.

  • 3. A few may make a home in wet corners of a garden.

  • 4. In winter, garters may be hard to find because they stay under the ground.

  • 5. Garters don’t bite, so some people keep them as pets!

Spelling Practice

6.–10. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

11.–18. Make a chart like the one here. Then read these words:


Write each word in the chart. Put it under the word that has the same syllable.

  • 11. illustration of words in a chart