Language and Literacy

Think About “Kidworks for Peace”

Check Your Understanding

Answer each question.

  • 1. Misako tries to help kids understand the news.

  • 1. Misako, Mary, and Sal all have goals. What are they? Finish these sentences:

    Misako tries to ______.

    Mary wants to help ______.

    Sal wants to get ______.

  • 2. How are their goals alike? How are they different? Finish this sentence: Both Misako and ______ want to help ______, but Sal wants to find a ______.

  • 3. Do Misako, Mary, and Sal all like what they do? How do you know?

  • 4. Work with your class to complete this chart.

    Then compare ideas. Which ones do you agree with?

Expand Your Vocabulary

5. Make a word map like the one below. Work with a group to complete it.

illustration of a word map with main box connected to five boxes

Choose two events from the map. Tell your group about them.
Tell how they are alike or different. Use words from the green box.

EXAMPLEWorld War II was a horrible time when countries fought each other, but countries worked together on Space Station Mir.

Write about Kids and History illustration of pen icon

6. Pretend you are part of the online chat on page 120. Write an e-mail to say what you think: Can kids make history?

  • 6. Yes! My class painted a mural at school. It will be there for a long time!