Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read words with c and g.

  • 1 When you see the consonant c or g in a word, look at the vowel that comes next. It will tell you how to say the consonant.

    The c is soft. An e comes after it.

    The c is soft. An e comes after it.

    The g is hard. An a comes after it.

  • 2 Start at the beginning. Blend the sounds in your head. Then say the word.

    racer + a + c + illustration of the silent e in the word race= racegameg + a + m + illustration of the silent e in the word game= game

Reading Practice

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 1. Ginny stood in the center of the huge diving board.

  • 2. She walked to the edge of the board and bounced twice.

  • 3. She took a deep breath. Then she jumped.

  • 4. Below her, the water looked like blue glass.

  • 5. She cut through the water like a knife!

  • 6. Her friends had never seen such a good dive.

Spelling Practice

7.–11. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

12.–23. Make a chart like the one shown here. Then read the words in this box:


Write each word in the chart. Put it under the word that has the same sound for c or g.

  • 12.

    illustration of the words cap and catch in the word chart