Language Development

Who Built America?

Language: Ask and Answer Questions

Listen and chant. illustration of compact disc icon

The Builders of Our Nation

The Pilgrims sailed across the sea
To practice their religion in Plymouth Colony.

Colonists built new American towns.
They won their liberty from the British crown.

Explorers traveled across the land
So our growing nation could expand.

To reach the Pacific, in long wagon trains,
The pioneers traveled from the golden plains.

Immigrants escaped from hunger and strife
To seek work, education, and a better life.

All of us here in our nation today
Are the many faces of the U.S. of A.

The Builders of Our Nation
The Pilgrims sailed across the sea
To practice their religion in Plymouth Colony.
Colonists built new American towns.
They won their liberty from the British crown.
Explorers traveled across the land
So our growing nation could expand.
To reach the Pacific, in long wagon trains,
The pioneers traveled from the golden plains.
Immigrants escaped from hunger and strife
To seek work, education, and a better life.
All of us here in our nation today
Are the many faces of the U.S. of A.

Express Yourself

Ask And Answer Questions

1.–6. Work with a partner. Ask each other 6 questions about the chant. Then answer your partner’s questions.

  • 1. Who sailed across the sea? The Pilgrims sailed across the sea.

7.–12. Imagine you are a Pilgrim and have just arrived at Plymouth Colony. Ask a partner 3 questions about the new American towns. Then switch roles.

  • 7. Where did the Pilgrims practice their religion?

Question Words
