Language Development

The Market Price

Language: Buy or Sell an Item

Listen and sing. illustration of compact disc icon

At the Farmers’ Market

Every day, my customers say,
“How many apples are in a bag?”
Every day my customers say,
“How much does one bag cost?”

“How many? How much?” is all I hear.
I answer a hundred times,
“Three dollars, please, for a bag of twelve.
In bills or quarters or dimes.”

Every day my customers say,
“How much does one bag cost?”
I put a tag on every bag,
But the tags keep getting lost!

At the Farmers’ Market
Every day, my customers say,
“How many apples are in a bag?”
Every day my customers say,
“How much does one bag cost?”
“How many? How much?” is all I hear.
I answer a hundred times,
“Three dollars, please, for a bag of twelve.
In bills or quarters or dimes.”
Every day my customers say,
“How much does one bag cost?”
I put a tag on every bag,
But the tags keep getting lost!

Express Yourself


Work with a partner. Act out a scene at a farmers’ market. One partner buys and one partner sells the food shown below.

  • 1. Buyer: How much are the apples?

    Seller: They are $3.00 a bag.

  • 1.

    apples$3.00 for a bag

    $3.00 for a bag

  • 2.

    green peppers3 for $1.00

    green peppers
    3 for $1.00

  • 3.

    carrots50¢ per pound

    50¢ per pound

  • 4.

    lettuce$1.00 each

    $1.00 each

5.–8. With a partner, imagine you are setting up a farmers’ market. Use questions with how many and how much to decide which foods you will sell and how much foods cost.

  • 5. How much are the apples?

    They are $3.00 a bag.