Language and Literacy

Think About “Many Places to Plant a Plant”

Check Your Understanding

1. Make a concept map like the one below. Work with a partner to add details to it. Use your finished map to compare places to grow plants.

  • 1. A greenhouse has glass walls, but an open field is unprotected. Both places are often sunny and warm.

    illustration of a word web graphic organizer for places to grow plants

Expand Your Vocabulary

2. Work with a group to collect compound words. Look for compound words in the selection on pages 256–257. Find the 2 words in each compound word and write them on cards. Then put the words together to show the compound word.

  • 2. illustration of three word cards showing the compound word sunshine

Write More Comparisons illustration of pen icon

3.–8. Collect words and phrases related to plants. Find things to compare. Write 6 comparisons. Use the words in the box to tell how the things are alike or different.

  • 3. Peppers and carrots are both vegetable crops.

    Carrots taste sweet, but peppers are hot and spicy.