There are several ways to read a long word.
1 Look for familiar parts––prefixes, suffixes, or endings like -ed or -ing. Cover them.
2 Figure out how to divide the root word.
I can look for a letter pattern. I see a vowel, three consonants, and another vowel.
Or, I can look for a vowel pattern. I need to keep the vowel, consonant, and final e together.
3 Blend the syllables to say the root word. Then uncover the suffix and read the entire word.
Use what you learned to read the sentences.
1. Chan waited on the rooftop beneath the night sky.
2. He carefully checked his watch. It was close to midnight.
3. The North Star twinkled in the middle of the night sky.
4. Chan was able to see Venus. Then he saw a flash of light!
5. Was it a rocket launch? No! It was just lightning.
6.–10. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.
11.–16. Read the newspaper article. Find the words with 3 syllables. List them. Divide them into syllables.
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