Reading Strategies

There are several ways to read a long word.

  • 1 Look for familiar parts––prefixes, suffixes, or endings like -ed or -ing. Cover them.

    • completelyillustration of the word completely with the words ly covered up
  • 2 Figure out how to divide the root word.

    • I can look for a letter pattern. I see a vowel, three consonants, and another vowel.

      I can look for a letter pattern. I see a vowel, three consonants, and another vowel.

      Or, I can look for a vowel pattern. I need to keep the vowel, consonant, and final e together.

      Or, I can look for a vowel pattern. I need to keep the vowel, consonant, and final e together.

  • 3 Blend the syllables to say the root word. Then uncover the suffix and read the entire word.

    • illustration of the word complete divided into two syllablescom + plete + ly = completely

Reading Practice

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 1. Chan waited on the rooftop beneath the night sky.

  • 2. He carefully checked his watch. It was close to midnight.

  • 3. The North Star twinkled in the middle of the night sky.

  • 4. Chan was able to see Venus. Then he saw a flash of light!

  • 5. Was it a rocket launch? No! It was just lightning.

Spelling Practice

6.–10. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

11.–16. Read the newspaper article. Find the words with 3 syllables. List them. Divide them into syllables.

  • 11. important im por tant