

Strategies for Learning Language

These strategies can help you learn to use and understand the English language.

  • 1 Listen actively and try out language.

    Repeat what you hear.You hear:You say:
    Way to go, Joe!Fantastic catch!

    Way to go, Joe!
    Fantastic catch!

    Way to go, Joe!
    Fantastic catch!

    Recite songs and poems.
    My Family Tree
    Two grandmas, one brother,
    Two grandpas, one mother,
    One father, and then there’s me.
    Eight of us together
    Make up my family tree.
    Two grandmas, one brother,…
    Listen to others and use their language.You hear:
    “ When did you know that something was missing?”
    You say:
    “ I knew that something was missing when I got to class.”
  • 2 Ask for help.

    Ask questions about how to use language.Did I say that right?
    Did I use that word in the right way?
    Which is correct, “bringed” or “brought”?
    Use your native language or English to make sure that you understand.You say:
    “ Wait! Could you say that again more slowly, please?”
    Other options:
    “Does ‘violet’ mean ‘purple’?” “Is ‘enormous’ another way to say ‘big’?”