The Writing Process

Writing is one of the best ways to express yourself. The steps in the Writing Process will help you say what you want to say clearly, correctly, and in your own unique way.


Prewriting is what you do before you write. During this step, you collect ideas, choose a topic, make a plan, gather details, and organize your ideas.

  • 1 Collect Ideas Writing ideas are everywhere! Think about recent events or things you’ve read or seen. You can brainstorm more writing ideas with your classmates, friends, and family. Collect your ideas in a computer file, a notebook or a journal. Then when you’re ready to write, check your idea collections.

  • 2 Choose a Topic Sometimes you have a lot of ideas you want to write about. Other times, your teacher may give you a writing prompt, or a writing assignment. You will still need to decide exactly what you write about. Make a list of possible writing ideas. Then circle the one that is the most important or interesting to you. That idea will be your topic.

  • 3 Plan Your Writing An FATP chart can help you organize your thoughts and focus on the details that you’ll need for your writing.