Decodable Passage 14

A Gem on Ice

Sage got her first pair of ice skates when she was very young. She loved the ice like mice love cheese. On the ice, her face lit up in a huge smile. Her eyes lit up, too. “This is my place!” she thought. Time on ice was a magic time. Her urge to skate was huge! And she skated with grace. “You are a gem on ice,” her mother and father said.

One day, Sage said, “I want to learn to do something new. I want to learn to ice dance. It is all the rage. This is my choice. When I am on the ice, I am at peace. It is like being on a stage.” Her mother and father thought it was a great idea.

Now, here she was at the finals. She laced up her skates and thought, “This is my chance to take charge.” She forced herself to smile as she glided onto the ice in front of the large crowd.

Sage took her place in the center of the ice rink. Gems shone from her costume. The people in the crowd ceased clapping. She gave a nod, and her music started.

Sage moved with grace along the ice. She leaned into her first jump. She twirled around once, twice, and landed on her blade. “Perfect!” she thought, as she glided on. She braced herself for the next jump. It was an important one, and it would count a lot with the judges. She forced herself to concentrate. Then she spun and leaped into space! The noise of the crowd told her that she had aced the jump.

The judges held up their cards: 10, 10, 10! This was Sage’s best dance ever!