

(urth-kwāk) n. when the earth’s surface moves and causes disaster, like fallen buildings
photograph of people walking through earthquake rubble
Here you see what an earthquake can do to an area.


(ēk-oh-sis-tum) n. all the things that live together in one area
photograph of two raccoons in a tree
Animals and plants live together in ecosystems.


(ē-mur-gen-sēz) n. sudden and unexpected events that need action
photograph of a dog rescuing a swimmer
SAR dogs can help during water rescues and other emergencies.


(eh-nur-jē) n. the power to move and do things
photograph of a squirrel holding a sprig of flowers
This squirrel eats plants to get energy to move!


(ek-splôr) v. to look around and find out things about a place
scenic photograph of mountains, landscape, and a river
People come to the Southwest to explore the land and rivers.