
(prō-test) v. to show that you do not like something
photograph of a group of people at a protest rally
These people are protesting.


(res-cyū) v. to save or free someone
photograph of two police officers and two search and rescue dogs
Here, a dog helps rescue people after the attacks on September 11, 2001.


(rīt) n. something all people have the freedom to do
photograph of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., wanted equal rights for all people.


(rok-it) n. a vehicle that can travel into space
photograph of the space shuttle lifting off its launch pad
A rocket is used to send people into space.


(sīn) n. a message printed large enough for many people to read
photograph of women suffragettes of the early 1900s holding signs
These women are holding signs.

solar system

(-lər sis-tem) n. the sun and planets that orbit the sun
illustration of a diagram of the solar system
Our planet Earth is part of the solar system.