Ap Images: p4 (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s parents, © AP Wide World Photos), p5 (neighborhood, © Archive Photos/Amer. Stock), p6 (man in doorway); Black Star/DBA Stock Photo: p17 (Martin Luther King, Jr. with journalists and friends © Bob Fitch), p18 (people being sprayed with hose, © Charles Moore, 1963); CORBIS: cover and p1 (Martin Luther King, Jr., © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p2 (Alabama march, © Underwood & Underwood/CORBIS; M.L.K., Jr. speaking, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p3 (ballot box, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p4 (house, © Bob Krist/CORBIS), p8 (M.L.K., Jr. preaching, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p9 (M.L.K., Jr. and family, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p10 (church, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p11 (Ebenezer Baptist Church, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p12 (march to Alabama, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p13 (signing of Civil Rights Act, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p14 (M.L.K., Jr. being protected during a march, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p15 (jail, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p16 (M.L.K., Jr. effigy, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p17 (admirers, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p18 (M.L.K., Jr. speaking, © Flip Schulke/CORBIS), p19 (girls running, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p20 (march on Washington, © Flip Shulke/CORBIS), p21 (flag, © Philip James Corwin/CORBIS; M.L.K., Jr. at microphone, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p22 (M.L.K., Jr. receives Nobel Peace Prize, © Bettmann/CORBIS), p23 (M.L.K., Jr.’s funeral, © James L. Amos/CORBIS), p24 (M.L.K., Jr. waving, © Flip Shulke/CORBIS), p24 and back cover (M.L.K., Jr. memorial statue, © Flip Shulke/CORBIS), back cover (M.L.K., Jr.’s memorial stone, © Reinhard Eisele/CORBIS); FPG International LLC: p3 (voting, © Black Heritage Pitts, 1950), p6 (man drinking water), p7 (classroom, © F.S. Lincoln); Timelife/Getty: p7 (classroom © Carl Iwasaki), p23 (men on balcony, © Joseph Louw).


Excerpt from “I have a Dream” © 1963 by Martin Luther King, Jr. Copyright renewed by Coretta Scott King.

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ISBN 0-7362-0962-X

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