illustration of words to know graphic WORDS to Know: World War II

GermanyThe World at WarThe End of the War
photograph of Hitler and German Nazi soldiers

illustration of map icon color for GermanyGermany

illustration of map icon color for countries that fight on Germany's sideCountries that fight on Germany’s side

illustration of map icon color for area under their controlArea under their control

photograph of people in Paris celebrating the end of the war
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party take control of Germany. Hitler makes Jews wear a yellow star and takes away their freedoms.The German army takes over other countries. The Nazis force millions of Jews into prison camps. Many of them die there.Germany loses the war, and people celebrate all over the world. The Jewish prisoners are released from the prision camps.
photograph of Jewish people wearing yellow stars during the warphotograph of prisoners in a concentration camp during the warphotograph of prisoners released from a concentration camp