Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
adjust (u-just) verb page 36![]() To adjust means to change in order to become comfortable with something. I hope I can adjust to my new school. | appreciate (u-prē-shē-āt) verb page 36![]() To appreciate means to care about something or someone. The boy shows he appreciates his mom by giving her flowers. Synonyms: enjoy, like | culture (kul-chur) noun page 32![]() The ideas and way of life for a group of people make up their culture. Baseball and jazz are both part of American culture. |
different (di-fu-runt) adjective page 32![]() Something that is different is not the same. The red flower is different from the others. Antonym: alike | opportunity (ah-pur-tü-nu-tē) noun page 33![]() An opportunity is a good chance to do something. The sign tells about a job opportunity at the restaurant. | relative (re-lu-tiv) noun page 34![]() A family member is a relative. The mother and daughter are relatives. Synonym: family |
understand (un-dur-stand) verb page 36![]() To understand something is to know it well. This teacher understands the math problem and explains it to his students. Past tense: understood | value (val-yū) noun page 35![]() A value is something that people care about. Respect is an important value in Japan. Synonym: ideal | Practice the Words Work with a partner. Make a Word Web of Examples for each Key Word.![]() Word Web of Examples |