Guiding Question What defines home?
Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.
Focus on Genre Organization of Ideas
In this unit, you learned that sometimes writers organize text to compare and contrast things. Choose a selection from the unit, and draw a diagram, chart, or picture to show how the writer compares and contrasts two things. Use your drawing to explain the organization of the text to a partner.
Reading Strategy Plan Your Reading
As you read the selections, you previewed the text, made predictions, and set purposes for reading. Explain how you will use this strategy in the future.
Throughout this unit, you have been thinking about what defines home. Choose one of these ways to explore the Guiding Question:
• Discuss With a group, discuss what immigrants do to make a new place feel like home. Give details from the selections that support your ideas.
• Ask Questions Ask someone who has moved to the United States how his or her home country and the U.S. are alike and different. Share with the class.
• Draw Create a map of your neighborhood. Label places or areas that are important to you. Share your map with a classmate, and explain how your neighborhood is a home for you and your neighbors.
Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about the meaning of home.
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