Guiding Question How do we depend on Earth’s resources?
Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.
Focus on Genre Fiction and Nonfiction
In this unit, you learned about the differences between fiction and nonfiction. Make a T Chart to compare “The Secret Water” with one of the other selections. List characteristics of each type of text. Use your chart to explain the texts to a partner.
Reading Strategy Monitor Your Reading
As you read the selections, you learned to clarify ideas and vocabulary. Explain to a partner how you will use the strategy in the future.
Throughout this unit, you have been thinking about Earth’s resources. Choose one of these ways to explore the Guiding Question:
• Discuss With a group, discuss the Guiding Question. Remember, there can be many answers. Give details from the selections that support your idea.
• Report With the class, brainstorm a list of Earth’s resources. Write each resource on a slip of paper, and put the papers in a container. Then form groups. Each group draws a paper. The group researches and reports to the class about how people depend on that resource.
• Write and Draw Make a brochure that tells how to save Earth’s resources.
Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about Earth’s resources.
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