► Build Background
► Language & Grammar
Describe People and Places
Use Adjectives
► Prepare to Read
Learn Key Vocabulary
Learn a Reading Strategy
► Read and Write
Focus on Genre
Apply the Reading Strategy
Critical Thinking
Reading Fluency
Read with Expression
Vocabulary Review
Write About the Guiding Question
► Connect Across the Curriculum
Literary Analysis
Analyze Character Development
Analyze Theme
Vocabulary Study
Use Word Parts
Research a Time Period
Language and Grammar
Describe People and Places
Writing and Grammar
Write About a Creepy Situation
Horror characters like Frankenstein’s monster and Godzilla are featured in many stories. What makes them so popular?
Reaction Chart Make a chart to show how different story characters make you feel. List the characters from stories, books, and movies. Draw a face to record your reaction. Share your chart and explain it.
Reaction Chart