Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Rating Scale
1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Key Words
create (kr-ē āt) verbpage 214 To create means to make something new. The artist creates a work of art in his studio. Synonyms:make, produce
creature (krē-chur) nounpage 212 A creature is a real or imaginary living thing. A dragon is an imaginary creature.
Base Word:create
destroy (di-stroi) verbpage 216 To destroy something means to take it apart or to ruin it. Workers destroy this building. Antonym:create
evil (ē-vul) adjectivepage 214 Something that is evil is very bad or harmful. Some people believe rattlesnakes are evil because their bite is dangerous. Antonym:good
experiment (ik-spair-u-munt) nounpage 214 An experiment is an activity that someone does to test an idea. The students are doing an experiment in their science class.
hideous (hi-dē-us) adjectivepage 216 Something that is hideous is very ugly. A mask can make someone look hideous. Antonym:beautiful
lonely (lōn-lē) adjectivepage 212 To be lonely means to be alone, without friends. Do you feel lonely when your friends are away? Base Word:lone
scientist (sī-un-tist) nounpage 214 A person who studies science is a scientist. The scientist uses a microscope to study small objects up close. Base Word:science
Practice the Words With a partner, take turns telling a story using the Key Words.
PARTNER 1: Nina wanted to create a machine that could walk and talk.