Prefix | Meaning | Example | Word Meaning |
in- | not | inactive | not active |
de- | do the opposite | defrost | to take the frost off something |
bi- | two | bicolored | two-colored |
Many English words are made of word parts, including prefixes and base words. If you know the meaning of the word parts, you can sometimes figure out what the whole word means.
Combine Word Parts Figure out the meaning of each word. Look at the chart above. Locate the meaning of the prefix. If you don’t know the base word, look it up in a dictionary. Put the meanings of the word parts together. Compare your definitions with a partner’s. Use a dictionary to confirm.
1. incorrect
2. decode
3. bicycle
4. biweekly
5. insane
6. debug
Where and when an author lives can influence what the author writes.
1 Conduct Research Find out how Mary Shelley’s story relates to the time period when she wrote it. Choose appropriate resources that tell or show what was happening in England. Focus on the period between 1714 and 1830.
Explore England between 1714 and 1830.
2 Narrow Your Topic Choose one event or idea to focus on. Look for facts and important details that relate to “Frankenstein.”
3 Write a Short Report Tell about the event or idea. Clearly explain how it may have influenced Shelley. Include facts that support your ideas.
4 Read Your Report Share your report in a group. Discuss how “Frankenstein” might be different if Shelley were living today.