Word Part | Meaning |
dis- | the opposite of |
un- | not; the opposite of |
-able | can be done |
-er, -or | one who |
-ful | full of |
Words that share the same base word can look similar. But a prefix or a suffix changes the meaning of the base word. For example:
• pack means “to put things in a container.”
• packer means “someone who packs,” because the suffix -er means “one who.”
• unpack means “to take things out of a container.” Explain how the meanings of the word parts add up to this definition.
Figure Out Word Meanings Work with a partner. Cover the prefix or suffix in each word. Find the base word. Uncover the prefix. What does it mean? Then put the meanings together and write the meaning of the word.
1. sailor
2. disappear
3. explorer
4. unclear
5. lovable
6. comfortable
7. visitor
8. hopeful
Media/Speaking: View the Wreck of Titanic
Media & Technology
Use visual media to learn more about Titanic:
1 Locate Videos for Research Titanic sank almost one hundred years ago. Find videos of the wreck online, and collect more facts about Titanic.
2 View the Videos Pay attention to details and facts. What kinds of plants and animals do you see? What parts of the ship do the videos show? Jot down words you want to look up, like starboard or plankton.
3 Discuss Your Findings Share the facts you learned with a partner. Ask each other questions. Then discuss whether you would like to explore a shipwreck like Titanic.
Ocean plants and animals now cover parts of Titanic.