One day, the hunter went out into the forest with his spear, his bow, and his arrows. At the end of the day, he did not come home. His wife and his four sons stayed up all night waiting for him, but still he didn’t come home. A week passed but still he did not come home. His wife and his sons cried for their loss.
Weeks went by, but the hunter did not come home. His wife and his four sons dried their tears.
A month went by and the hunter still did not come home. His wife and his four sons forgot about him. They forgot all about the hunter with his spear, his bow, and his arrows.
Many months went by. The new baby boy was born, and he was just like his brothers. The baby grew. First, he crawled. Then he walked. But he did not play.
Critical Viewing: Character Which sentence in the folk tale do you think goes best with this painting? Explain why you think so.
Through the Window, 1992, Tilly Willis. Oil on canvas, private collection.