The theme of a story is its main message. One way to discover the theme is to look for clues in the title, the setting, the thoughts and actions of the characters, and the plot.
When you read, pay attention to the problems that the characters face and how they solve those problems. Put the clues together to determine the theme.
Practice Together
Begin a Theme Chart Use a Theme Chart to collect the clues you discover. Copy the chart below. Then think about the title of the selection. What message do the words tell you? Talk with a partner and find one more clue from the characters, setting, or plot.
Theme Chart
Try It!
Complete the Theme Chart Add more clues from the setting, the characters, and the plot that lead to the main message, or theme, of the story. Then write a sentence that tells the theme of the story. Remember that a story may have different themes. Share yours with a partner. How do your themes compare?