The ancient tomb held more than 3,500 artifacts. It held jewels, statues, paintings, and lots of gold. King Tut’s coffin was solid gold. The dead king had a gold mask and throne, too.
Howard Carter carefully studied all of these artifacts, which showed the great riches of Egyptian kings. They also gave clues about life in ancient Egypt. It took Carter a decade to finish work on King Tut’s tomb.
Howard Carter uses a brush to clean an artifact.
King Tut died more than 3,000 years ago and reigned for only a decade or so. He had little claim to fame. He is well-known today, though, simply because of Howard Carter’s amazing discovery.
King Tut’s tomb has taught us a lot about life in ancient Egypt. For example, it proves that ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. It also shows that people honored their king. And it shows the great riches of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
King Tut’s gold throne