Until 1865, most African Americans were not free. They were slaves with no rights. Their owners forced them to work without pay. They could be sold and sent far away from their families. Many African Americans decided their only chance for freedom was to escape.
In 1830, Josiah Henson was 41 years old. A life of slavery was all he had ever known. Born in Maryland, Henson was taken from his family as a child. He was bought and sold many times.
Henson lived on a plantation, or large farm, in Kentucky. He had a wife and four children. He tried to buy his way out of slavery, but his owner, Amos Riley, tricked him. Riley kept the money that Henson paid for his freedom, but he did not let Henson go.
One day Henson learned some troubling news. He learned that Riley planned to sell him. Henson would have to move to Louisiana, and he might never see his wife and children again! Henson could not accept this, so he made a plan for his family to escape.
Josiah Henson in later life