As a group, analyze song lyrics—the words that make up a song. Then give a dramatic reading to show your interpretation of the song.
1 Read and Interpret Reread the traditional song “Follow the Drinking Gourd.” Notice that the lyrics include some unusual words and phrases. They are unusual because we do not use them every day. Use a chart like this to interpret the words and phrases. Compare the words and phrases in the lyrics with how people today might express the same idea.
2 Discuss the Song With a group, discuss how the unusual words and phrases affect the song. What mood, or feeling, do they give the song?
2 Prepare a Presentation Plan to give a dramatic reading of the song. Think about actions and facial expressions that go with the words. Show how you interpret the song. Practice a few times.
4 Present the Song Give your dramatic reading.
• Speak clearly and loudly enough so your audience can hear you.
• Use a tone that expresses the feelings of the song.
• Do not speak too quickly or too slowly.
The drinking gourd refers to the group of stars known as the Big Dipper.