An example clue illustrates the meaning of another word in the text. The words for example, including, and such as signal an example clue.
Figure Out Word Meanings Work with a partner. Use context clues to figure out the meaning of each underlined word. Write the definition, and check it in a dictionary.
1. Many people want liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.
2. Some people take drastic actions, such as crossing the ocean in a small boat, to find freedom.
3. People may have many hurdles in a new country, including learning a new language and way of life.
4. People have to make adjustments to a new place. For example, they may be able to see friends and family only occasionally.
1 Conduct Research With a partner, find out more about one of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights. Focus on just one amendment. Use textbooks or the Internet for your research.
Explore the Bill of Rights.
2 Plan an Interview With your partner, write three questions to ask in an interview. Form questions that relate to the amendment you studied. For example: “What does the right to bear arms mean to you?”
3 Conduct an Interview Present your questions to a parent or other adult in an interview. Record the answers.
4 Write a Report Put your questions and answers together so they make sense to you.