Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. In a dictionary, the meanings are numbered. Context clues are hints in a text that help you figure out the appropriate meaning.
Dictionary Entries hide (hīd) verb 1 to go where no one can see you noun 2 an animal’s skin knot (not) noun 1 the tied ends of rope or string 2 unit used to measure a ship’s speed lodge (loj) verb 1 to become fixed in one place and not move noun 2 a small house or cabin tracks (traks) noun 1 the rails a train rides on 2 marks left by an animalDetermine Meanings Find each of these words in the selection. Determine which meaning applies in the text. Use context clues.
1 Plan Your Research Locate information about a constellation. Narrow your topic and locate one story that people in the past told about the constellation. Use books, or look online.
Find out about constellations.
2 Prepare Your Materials Read the story.
Then write it in your own words. Make a poster with a picture of the constellation and your story.
3 Share the Story Post your work in a “Constellation Corner.”
These stars form Scorpius, the scorpion.