A multiple-meaning word has more than one meaning. You can use context clues to figure out the appropriate meaning. Then you can check the definition using a dictionary.
Dictionary Entry odd (od) adjective 1 strange or unusual 2 not able to be divided by twoThe sentence is about the moon. This context helps you figure out the appropriate meaning of odd: The moon looks strange behind the clouds.
Define Words Find each of these words on page 456. Write the context clues. Then look up the word in a dictionary, and copy the appropriate definition.
1. stand
2. clear
3. band
4. left
1 Conduct Research The sun is the source of most energy on Earth. Energy is stored and changes form when it is used. Work with a group to learn facts about the sun’s energy. Focus on one way that energy changes form. Record where you get your facts so you can go back to the original source for details.
Find out how the sun’s energy is transformed.
The sun is an important source of energy.
2 Organize Your Ideas Make a drawing to show how energy is stored and how it changes from one form to another. Start with the sun. Label each step. Then organize the key ideas in your talk to go with your drawing.
3 Share What You Learned Display your drawing. Present the facts and details you learned. Take turns reading the labels in order. Emphasize each point so your listeners will understand the key ideas.