Jargon is specialized language used by members of a particular group, such as scientists, musicians, or chefs. The underlined word below has a special meaning. Locate context clues to figure it out.
Dictionary Entry belt (belt) noun 1 a strip of material worn around the waist 2 an area full of a particular thingThe context clues asteroid, Mars, and Jupiter help you determine that the second definition fits the text.
Define Words With a partner, look in the text for each word below that is used to talk about electricity. Locate clues to determine the correct meaning. Then find the word in a dictionary. Copy the definition that fits the text.
People do not always agree about environmental issues. How do you know what to believe when you hear or see messages in the media?
1 Conduct Research Find out about an environmental issue, such as water pollution or clear-cutting forests. Look for articles or ads in magazines or other media, including the Internet.
2 Study the Message Read, view, or listen to the article or ad. Evaluate it for facts that can be proved, such as data. Also look for clues that express opinions. List important details. What audience do you think the writer wants to persuade?
3 Discuss Your Findings Share the article or ad and your notes. How effective is the article or ad? How well does it work for the audience?