Guiding Question Why are both storytellers and scientists drawn to the stars?
Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.
Focus on Genre Author’s Purpose
In this unit, you learned about author’s purpose. Choose a selection. At the top of a card, complete this sentence: The author’s purpose is to ______.
Explain how you identified the author’s purpose. Then explain the author’s purpose to a partner.
Reading Strategy Make Inferences
As you read, you learned to make inferences. Explain to a partner how you will use this strategy.
In this unit, you have been thinking about stars. Choose one way to explore the Guiding Question:
• Discuss With a group, discuss the Guiding Question. Use what you know from your own life and details from the selections to support your ideas.
• Panel Discussion Organize a class panel discussion called “Why I Am Drawn to the Stars.” Participate as a scientist, storyteller, or poet on the panel or as a member of the audience. If you are on the panel, explain why the stars attract you.
• Write and Share Write your own star myth. Or research something you would like to know about the stars and write a brief report. Share your story or report with a group. Then post your work in the classroom for others to read.
Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about star power.
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