A metaphor compares two things that are not really alike. Metaphors often suggest that one thing is another thing or that it has the qualities of something else. The speaker of “When I Sing” compares herself to a bird. She compares her wings to beams of light.
The speaker does not mean that she really flies. She means that singing makes her feel like she is flying. Her wings are not really made of light. They just feel like they have no substance, or matter.
Interpret Metaphors Find each metaphor in the passage below. What two things does it compare? In a small group, explain how you interpret the metaphor and how it helps you understand the text.
What artistic skills do you have? Communicate to your group how to do one skill.
1 Prepare Directions Think about something you know how to do well, such as tuning a guitar or making an origami figure. How would you communicate the process to others? Identify the key steps. Decide what you can bring to illustrate the skill, too.
Musicians demonstrate how to play a traditional musical instrument in China.
2 Share Your Skill Work in a small group. Give precise directions for others to follow.