Guiding Question What do we learn about people from their artful expressions?
Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.
Focus on Genre Text Features
In this unit, you studied the text features in a newspaper article, a magazine article, and a short story. List as many features as you can. Then explain to a partner how each feature helped you understand the information in the selections.
Reading Strategy Synthesize
As you read, you learned how to synthesize information. Explain to a partner how you will use this strategy in the future.
Throughout this unit, you have been learning about artful expressions. Choose one of these ways to explore the Guiding Question:
• Discuss With a group, discuss what you have learned about how people use art to express themselves. Give supporting details from the selections.
• Share Your Art Think about an art form that expresses who you are, such as playing an instrument or telling jokes. Describe your art to a group, and show an example of it.
• Display Art Show an example of art that you like. Tell how it expresses the artist’s culture or personal beliefs and feelings.
Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about expressions of art.
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