Short Story
► Build Background
► Language & Grammar
Express Ideas and Feelings
Use Nouns
► Prepare to Read
Learn Key Vocabulary
Learn a Reading Strategy
Plan Your Reading
► Read and Write
Focus on Genre
Short Story
Apply the Reading Strategy
Plan Your Reading
Critical Thinking
Reading Fluency
Read with Expression
Vocabulary Review
Write About the Guiding Question
► Connect Across the Curriculum
Literary Analysis
Analyze Character’s Motive
Analyze the Main
Problem in Plot
Vocabulary Study
Use Prefixes
View an Online
Science Project
Language and Grammar
Express Ideas and Feelings
Writing and Grammar
Write About Time Travel
Quickwrite Time travel has fascinated people for years. But what would a time machine look like? Writers, artists, and inventors have all come up with ideas about what a time machine looks like. What’s yours?
Quickwrite Imagine you invent a machine that lets you travel through time. You can visit any place in the past or in the future. Write a paragraph about where you will go. Why do you want to go to this place?