Role-Play With a partner, role-play the characters in “LAFFF.” Take turns telling what you see, how you feel, and why you feel this way. Use words, facial expressions, and body movements to show how you feel. Use nouns to make your ideas clear. Remember to use a singular noun for “one” and a plural noun for “more than one.” Trade roles.
Peter showed me a rose from the future! I was shocked!
Study the Models To make your writing interesting, use nouns that say exactly what you mean. Use the correct form of singular and plural nouns to make your ideas clear.
Add Sentences On a separate piece of paper, write two more sentences to add to the BETTER paragraph. Use the correct forms of singular and plural nouns.
WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write about what you might see if you traveled to the past. Use specific and clear nouns. Use a singular noun for one and a plural noun for more than one.
• To make most nouns plural, add -s.
• If the noun ends in s, z, sh, ch, or x, add -es.
What would you see if you traveled to the past?