1. SUM IT UP With a partner, create a Problem-and-Solution Chart to show how each device solved a problem.
2. Draw Conclusions Could an invention solve one problem and cause another? Use an example from the selection.
3. Make Judgments Do you think it really matters if you follow the steps in order when you invent a device? Why or why not?
4. Compare Compare the reasons inventors from “Hitching a Ride” and “Kids Are Inventors, Too” designed their inventions.
Phrasing Read the passage on page 650 to a partner. Assess your fluency.
1. I read
a. great
b. OK
c. not very well
2. What I did best in my reading was ______.
Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.
Our math teacher gave us a challenging ______ to ______. We needed to ______ a bridge with the ______ to hold two thousand pounds. I built a small ______ of my bridge. It was my sister’s ______ to use Popsicle sticks. My bridge has a ______ that can make it go up and down. I don’t think another one like it ______ in the world!
Written Review What could you invent to solve the problem from your connect activity on page 60? Write a journal entry about it. Use five vocabulary words.
Explore the Possibilities
Write about an invention that might solve the same problem as an invention in “Kids Are Inventors, Too.” Reread the selection for ideas.