Connect Across the Curriculum, continued
Listening/Speaking: Present a Family Heirloom


In “The Lotus Seed,” the grandmother gives each of her grandchildren a seed from the lotus plant that grew from a seed she brought from Vietnam. The narrator plans to pass the seed on to her own children someday. The seed is an heirloom, or object that gets passed from one generation to the next.

Think about objects that are important to you or your family and could be considered family heirlooms. Choose one to present to your class.

  • 1 Plan Your Presentation Think about the following questions as you decide what object you want to choose. Your answers will be part of your presentation.

    • • How did you get the object?

    • • What does it mean to you?

    • • How is it a symbol in your life?

    • • Why would it be important to future generations?

  • 2 Present Your Heirloom If possible, and if your family permits, bring the object to share with your class. If you can’t bring it to school, bring in a photo or drawing. Include these points in your presentation:

    • • Display the object and explain what it is. Describe details your audience might not be able to see, such as what it’s made of and how it feels.

    • • Tell your audience how you got the object, what it symbolizes for you, and why it is a family heirloom.

    • • Remember to speak clearly and loudly enough so everyone can hear you.

  • 3 Compare Ideas and Beliefs After the presentations, discuss the similarities and differences among everyone’s objects. Did anyone choose similar heirlooms? Did anyone have similar reasons for choosing an heirloom? Use the information to come up with a statement about heirlooms with the class.

    Heirlooms are passed from one generation to the next.

    Heirlooms are passed from one generation to the next.