20th Century Immigration in the United States (by decade)

20th Century Immigration in the United States (by decade)

Analyze the Graph What trend do you notice about immigration over the last century? Has it increased, decreased, or both?

has even been called “the great melting pot” because of the many different cultures that can be found in the United States as a result of immigration.

The reasons that cause people to come to the United States are as varied and unique as the people who come here. Sometimes, people are forced to escape their countries. They are afraid of what might happen to them because of their races or religions. They are afraid they will be punished for their political beliefs. Refugees come to the United States in order to live their lives free from these types of prejudice and abuse.

Others come to the United States to escape poverty in their home countries. In the United States, people can find jobs that are not available in their home countries. They can also find jobs that pay them more money. Many immigrants seek to improve the quality of their lives, and their children’s futures, too. They leave family, friends, and homes because they want more educational opportunities for themselves and their children.