Set a Purpose

Find out how a young boy’s life changes.

I was born in southern Sudan. I lived with my mother and father, grandparents, and two sisters in a small mud-and-thatch house. We were considered wealthy because my father owned many cattle.

As a young boy, I was frightened of these big animals.

“I am too small to care for such big animals!” I cried when my father told me I would have to learn to tend the cattle.

My father just smiled. “Garang, be brave,” he said. “Your heart and mind are strong. There is nothing you cannot do.”

When I turned eight years old, I began to tend some small calves on my own. I cleaned them, nursed them when they were sick, and led them to the very best pastures and watering holes. I quickly grew to love these animals.

Then one day everything in my life changed.

I was far from home tending my animals when my village was attacked. I could hear bangs like thunder and see flashing lights in the distance. Suddenly an airplane was circling above. Clouds of dust rose from the ground and bullets began to rain down on my herd. Many of the animals were killed. Others ran away in fear.

My throat and eyes were full of dust, but I found my way to the forest, where I hid in the shadows of the trees.

When the storm of bullets passed, I ran back to my village to find my family, but everyone was gone. The houses were burning and everything was destroyed.

I began to wander down the road, and soon I met other boys who could not find their families. We began to search together. As we walked, we met more boys on the road.

At first there was just me—one.

Soon one became many.

Too many to count.