Illustration of the title page of the selection, “The Beat Goes On”
Selection 2 Overview
  • Build Background

  • Language & Grammar

    Give and Follow Directions

    Use Possessive Adjectives

  • Prepare to Read

    Learn Key Vocabulary

    Learn a Reading Strategy

    Determine Importance

  • Read and Write

    Focus on Genre

    Science Article

    Apply the Reading Strategy

    Determine Importance

    Critical Thinking

    Reading Fluency

    Read with Intonation

    Vocabulary Review

    Write About the Guiding Question

  • Connect Across the Curriculum

    Literary Analysis

    Analyze Author’s Purpose and Style

    Compare Kinds of Nonfiction

    Vocabulary Study

    Use Context Clues:

    Synonyms and Antonyms


    Make a Public Service Announcement

    Language and Grammar

    Give and Follow Directions

    Writing and Grammar

    Write Directions to a Place

Illustration of the organs inside the chest: lungs, ribs, heart, veins, arteries, esophagus
Build Background
See the Heart at Work

Your heart is hard at work every second. It keeps your body running smoothly. But what happens when it doesn’t work well? Can it be fixed?


KWL Chart Discuss, and then write what you know about the human heart in the K column of the KWL chart. In the W column, write what you want to know. Use the L column to list what you learned after reading the article.