Today Whitlow is on his college lacrosse team. “My teammates tease me that I’m slow, because it takes me a little longer to warm up,” he says. But now he knows that they’re only teasing. “Last year, they voted me the Most Inspirational Player. That felt good.”

Telling their Stories

Today Brian Whitlow and Jessica Melore are healthy college students. They have received a lot of attention. They’ve appeared on talk shows and given interviews. Newspapers and magazines have written about them.

Both students hope their extraordinary stories will inspire others. They’d like to see more people arrange to have their organs donated to others after death. “We really need more organ donors,” Melore says. “It’s a little-known issue.”

Whitlow and Melore also want to help other kids who face obstacles. “Focus on the positive things in your life,” Jessica tells young audiences. “You can’t change what’s in the past, so make the most of the future.”