How Coach Told Me I Didn’t Make the Cut

by Gary Soto
So Coach said, “Go out for a pass,”
And me, I took off, running hard
Because here was my one chance.
Coach yelled, “Farther! Farther!”
5 His arm cocked and ready to throw the football.
My legs were like pinwheels, a blur.
I ran with my hands out,
My fingers wiggling for the touch
Of a ball. Once it was in my arms,
10 I wouldn’t fumble.
No, I would carry it in for a touchdown.
“Deeper, deeper,” I heard him yell.
I outpaced a barking dog and an old man
On a rusty bicycle.
15 Coach got smaller and smaller,
Until he was just a fleck of dust on my eyelids.
I slowed down, caught my breath,
And rubbed my eyes. Was that Coach so far away?
I walked home. The living room was empty.
20 When I turned on the TV, crowds were cheering
Those who had made the team.
Photograph of a football laying in the grass