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Literary Analysis: Compare Fiction and Narrative Nonfiction

What Is Narrative Nonfiction? Narrative nonfiction is writing that sounds like a story. A fictional story has a plot, setting, and characters. In narrative nonfiction, these elements are real events, places, and people. In fiction, they are not.

Practice Together

Compare Narrative Nonfiction and Fiction Read each passage below. The first is from “Two Left Feet, …,” which is narrative nonfiction. The second is from “The Challenge,” which is fiction. As you read, think about story elements that both passages have in common.

Make a Chart The chart below shows some ways that the two passages are alike. Can you think of other ways they are alike? Copy the chart and add to it.

PassageHow They Are Alike
“Two Left Feet”characters—narrator and Mr. Growler
“The Challenge”characters—José and Estela

Try It!

Add to the Chart Work with a partner and review what you know about narrative nonfiction and fiction. Add a column to the chart and call it “How They Are Different.” Write down how the two kinds of writing are different.