Illustration of the title page of the selection, “Encounter”
Selection 1 Overview
  • Build Background

  • Language & Grammar

    Make Comparisons

    Use Verbs in the Present Tense

  • Prepare to Read

    Learn Key Vocabulary

    Learn a Reading Strategy

    Ask Questions

  • Read and Write

    Focus on Genre

    Historical Fiction

    Apply the Reading Strategy

    Ask Questions

    Critical Thinking

    Reading Fluency

    Read with Expression

    Vocabulary Review

    Write About the Guiding Question

  • Connect Across the Curriculum

    Literary Analysis

    Analyze Figurative Language: Simile and Metaphor

    Vocabulary Study

    Analyze Personification


    View Taino Artifacts


    Give an Oral Response to Literature

    Language and Grammar

    Make Comparisons

    Writing and Grammar

    Write About Events

Build Background
Meet the Taino People

In 1492, Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola and claimed it for Spain. Spanish explorers brought disease and death to the Taino people who lived there.


Quickwrite What would you do if people from another planet arrived in your community? How would it make you feel? Write about how you think you would react to their arrival.

Photograph of the surface of blue ocean water