Focus on Genre: Author’s Purpose and Word Choice

  • Author’s Purpose: To Entertain

  • Author’s Purpose: To Inform

Every author has a specific purpose, or reason, for writing. The purpose might be to entertain or to inform readers. Authors choose the kind of writing and make word choices based on their specific purpose.

Word ChoiceKind of Text
Simple, direct words inform and explain. Positive words and negative words can show the author’s attitude about a topic.Expository nonfiction: articles, historical texts, technical manuals, instructions
Words that create moods and emotions entertain and keep readers interested.Fiction: short stories, fables, novels

How It Works

Knowing the author’s purpose and analyzing the word choices can aid you in judging and understanding what you read.

Writing to Entertain Study this passage. Look at the kinds of words the author uses and the type of text to figure out the author’s purpose.

Writing to Inform Now study the word choice in this nonfiction passage.