Every person’s response to literature is different. Your response comes from your own understanding and experience. Share your ideas with your classmates by presenting your response to “Zlateh the Goat.”
1 Prepare Your Response In order to give a good response, you need to study the story closely.
• Reread the story several times so you get to know it well.
• Think about your reaction to the story. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from it? What do you think it means?
• Look at the different parts of the story—the plot, the characters, the setting, and the theme. Decide what part or parts you liked best.
• Write down some notes about what you are going to say.
2 Practice Giving Your Response Practice speaking in front of another person who knows the story.
• Give a short summary of the main events and details in the story.
• Explain what you learned from the story and what you think the story means.
• Tell what you liked or disliked about the story and why. It was easy to connect with Aaron. I learned about loyalty and survival.
• Give examples from the story to support your views.
• Ask your listener what you could do to make your response better.
• Make any necessary changes.
3 Deliver Your Response Keep your response focused and clear.
• Let your feelings show in your words, tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures.
• Make eye contact with your audience. Don’t stare down at your notes.
• Speak clearly and loudly so your audience can understand you.
• When you’ve finished, ask the audience if they have any questions and do the best you can to answer them.