It’s about
the ball,
the bat,
and the mitt.
5 Ball hits
bat, or it
hits mitt.
Bat doesn’t
hit ball, bat
10 meets it.
Ball bounces
off bat, flies
air, or thuds
ground (dud)
15 or it
fits mitt.
Bat waits
for ball
to mate.
20 Ball hates
to take bat’s
bait. Ball
flirts, bat’s
late, don’t
25 keep the date.
Ball goes in
(thwack) to mitt,
and goes out
(thwack) back
30 to mitt.
Ball fits
mitt, but
not all
the time.
35 Sometimes
ball gets hit
(pow) when bat
meets it,
and sails
40 to a place
where mitt
has to quit
in disgrace.
That’s about
45 the bases
about 40,000
fans exploded.
It’s about
50 the ball,
the bat,
the mitt,
the bases
and the fans.
55 It’s done
on a diamond,
and for fun.
It’s about
home, and it’s
60 about run.