So walking, biking, and using public transportation are ways to reduce the amount of air pollution. The buildup of pollution also comes from power plants and other industrial sources, particularly in cities in the eastern United States. To fight the problem, industries can use pollution-control devices called scrubbers on their smokestacks.

Handle Everything with Care

As you can see, humans affect the biosphere in many different ways. We all need to consider our actions and their effect on Earth’s natural riches. To protect our planet in the future, we must make responsible decisions today.

Hazardous Air Pollutants

Hazardous Air Pollutants

Planes, trains, construction equipment

Cars, buses, trucks

Large industries: factories, power plants, refineries

Natural sources: wildfires and small industries, such as dry cleaners, gas stations

1999, Environmental Protection Agency

Shanghai’s large population and many factories have caused its air pollution. Recently, Shanghai has spent billions of dollars to clean up its air and waterways.

Shanghai’s large population and many factories have caused its air pollution. Recently, Shanghai has spent billions of dollars to clean up its air and waterways.