Reading Fluency

Practice Expression: “LAFFF”

Expression in reading is how you use your voice to express feeling. Use this passage to practice reading with proper expression. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked.

Still in his strange, deep voice, Peter said, “What are you doing? After all, this is my garage.”

“I was just cutting across your yard to get home. Your parents never complained before.”

“I thought you were spying on me,” said Peter. “I thought you wanted to know about my machine.” He hissed when he said the word machine.

Honestly, he was beginning to frighten me. “What machine?” I demanded. “You mean this shower-stall thing?”

He drew himself up and narrowed his eyes, making them into thin slits. “This is my time machine!”

I goggled at him. “You mean … you mean … this machine can send you forward and backward in time?”

“Well, actually, I can only send things forward in time,” admitted Peter, speaking in his normal voice again. “That’s why I’m calling the machine LAFFF. It stands for Lu’s Artifact For Fast Forward.”